How to Install a TVTools Server



This guide is for Windows Server versions 2016-2022.

Preliminary Steps: Update all Windows updates (both optional and critical).

Install Necessary Features: Manually install required features.

Attention: This requires the Windows source, for example…

Continue installing the following features:

Please redo Windows updates

If the Windows server is in English load

If Windows is in French

Then unzip the zip file and edit the unattend.txt file

Edit paths

Update the PowerShell if the version is not equal to or greater than 7.4

Run the powershell as administrator

Run the command

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted 

And choose “All”

Finally start the installation script if you are in Windows 2022

powershell -f .\powerShellInstallCloud2022_ENU.ps1 

In 2016-2019 it is

powershell -f .\powerShellInstallCloud2016_2019_EN.ps1 

The rest of the procedure is automatic.

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