TVTools Technical Support


Technical assistance contract

TVTools technical support is accessible, subject to an active contract in the case of an on-premise private server or a current subscription for SaaS offers.

Open a ticket

To address your issue, and receive a direct response from our technical team, contact our support at this link to open a ticket:

We handle your requests using this support ticket system to ensure rapid and efficient processing, while improving the traceability and archiving of our communications.

Using this method, the response time is on average 4 hours (working days: Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.). If necessary, at any time you can find this link on our site at the top right on “TVTools Support”.

If necessary, remote maintenance can be carried out subject to high-speed Internet access with a choice of a LogMeIn, NetViewer or TeamViewer Operational client.

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Contact support team

Is this response not sufficient to resolve your situation? Contact our support service, and a technical representative will respond to you as soon as possible.

Submit a question

In case you don’t receive a response to your question, feel free to ask it here, and we commit to providing you with an answer as soon as possible.

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